Tuesday, July 12, 2016
PRESENT: Carole, Bob, Diane, Nancy, Rick C, Steve, Todd
Others Present:
Absent: Dan B, Dan C, Kathy, Mike, Rick T
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
1. Additions to agenda: None
Rick T, Secretary, unable to attend this meeting, Bob was assigned to take minutes.
2. Approval of Board Minutes from 6/14/16. With change to show that Mike Grasmick was present. Diane moved to approve, Rick C seconded. Passed unanimously.
3. Acceptance of May Financial Reports: Cash positions remain good. The two $1,000 scholarships were paid in July. One outstanding member receivable needs to be followed up on. Todd moved to accept June financial reports, Steve seconded. Passed unanimously.
4. Membership Report Update:
a. No changes from last month
b. We have 45 regular members and no FOOs (started the year at 49 Regular and 0 FOOS).
5. Board Organization
a. We are behind in our membership goal
b. STOC By-Laws and policies have not yet been distributed or submitted.
6. Committee Reports
a. Service
1. Rick C. discussed the Christmas party. The entertainer – Nick - may have to be changed due to a scheduling conflict.
2. National Mustard Day – Bob reported on how volunteers are progressing. We have received several positive responses, but still need more to cover 10 full shifts.
b. Social
1. August 24th Pool Party at Sees – sign-up sheet is going around at lunch meetings.
2. STOC golf outing scheduled for Sept. 24th, Bob and Steve are co-chairs and Liv has volunteered to help organize as well. Likely at Pleasant View.
c. Fundraising
1. Football Craze tickets will be handed out starting this week. Checks should be made out to Football Sweepstakes.
2. Nancy reported that a check for $310.65 was received for our work at the Madison marathon. This will be split with JOOI (they took 30% of JOOI hours - $35.32; rest went to STOC).
3. Taste of Madison (Labor Day weekend) and another Marathon event (November 8) still coming up this year.
7. New Business.
a. Speakers are currently lined up through August 10.
b. End of Year Banquet locations being investigated for Sept. 27, 28 or 29.
c. The Silent Auction Committee was discussed. Kathy is chair and Rick Conne volunteered to be on the Committee.
d. Bob brought up a comment from Kathy recently about getting new lighter-weight STOC shirts. Bob volunteered to investigate pricing and bring to next meeting.
e. Remaining 2016 fiscal year board meetings scheduled for August 9 and Sept. 13
8. Adjournment, next meeting will be August 9 at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Diane moved to adjourn, Nancy seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Wortinger (Acting Secretary)